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Undzer emes

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Undzer emes
TypeMonthly newspaper
Political alignmentCommunist
Ceased publication1934
Berlin (1931–1933)
CountryInterwar Lithuania
Germany (1931–1933)

Undzer emes ('Our Truth') was a Yiddish-language communist publication in interwar Lithuania, an organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania.[1] The publication was issued illegally and irregularly from Kaunas between 1923 and 1934.[2][3] It was published clandestinely on a monthly basis, with a circulation of 3,000.[4] Aizikas Lifšicas and J. Šochotas were part of the editorial team of Undzer emes.[5]

Undzer emes was printed in Berlin 1931–1933, but the Lithuanian communists could not continue publishing activities there following the National Socialist takeover in Germany.[6]


  1. ^ National Library of Russia. Yiddish Newspapers (in the Latin alphabet)
  2. ^ Rosen, Josif. Kaunas (cont.)
  3. ^ Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos. Archyvai (1 Tomas)
  4. ^ Estraikh, Gennady. The Yiddish-Language Communist Press, in Frankel, Jonathan (ed.), Studies in Contemporary Jewry. Vol. 20, Dark Times, Dire Decisions : Jews and Communism. New York City: Oxford University Press, 2005. p. 67
  5. ^ Šarmaitis, R. Lietuvos Komunistų partijos istorijos apybraiža. Vilnius: Mintis, 1971. p. 200
  6. ^ Institut für Marxismus-Leninismus beim ZK der SED., and Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. Berlin: Institut für Marxismus-Leninismus], 1959. p. 891