Rule of nine (linguistics)

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The rule of nine (Ukrainian: Правило дев'ятки) is a orthographic rule of the Ukrainian language.

The current spelling prohibits writing the letter "i" in borrowed common names after nine (hence the name of the rule) consonants: д, т, з, с, ц, ж, ш, ч, р - only if the next letter is a consonant (except for "й"). For example: сигнал, динамо, режим, дизель, зиґзаґ, принтер, and so on; not *сігнал, дінамо, режім, дізель, зіґзаґ, прінтер.

If the "i" in a foreign language word is followed by a vowel, the rule of nine does not apply. For example: діадема, діоптрія, тіофен, станція, адажіо, Чіо-чіо-сан. The letter "i" is also written after consonants at the end of uninflected words: колібрі, парі, фрі, таксі (but таксист).

The current Ukrainian spelling[1] provides the following exception to the rule of nine on spelling the letter "i" in foreign words:

З «и», а не з «і» пишуться також слова церковного вжитку: диякон, єпископ, єпитимія, єпитрахиль, камилавка, митра, митрополит, християнство тощо.
Words of ecclesiastical use are also written with "и" rather than "і": диякон, єпископ, єпитимія, єпитрахиль, камилавка, митра, митрополит, християнство, and so on.

However, the modern Orthographic Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language (Kyiv, 1999) presents архієпископ, архієрей, архімандрит, клір, клірик (archbishop, bishop, archimandrite, clergy, cleric, etc.) as normative in accordance with the rule of nine.

In a number of words of foreign language origin that have long been assimilated into the Ukrainian language, after б, п, в, м, ф, г, к, х, л, н the "i" is written according to the pronunciation: бурмистер (but бургомістр), вимпел, єхидна, імбир, кипарис, лиман, and so on.


The rule of nine for spelling words of foreign language origin was first formulated in 1913 by the authors of the Grammar of the Ruthenian Language, Stepan Smal-Stotsky and Theodor Gartner, modeled on a similar rule of Polish spelling.[2]

In the 1993 edition of the Ukrainian Spelling Book, which does not differ significantly from the previous editions and is still in force today, the rule of transmitting a foreign language consonant before and after the consonants specified by the rule of nine was extended to a number of proper names (Argentina, Syria, Chile). The spelling of some common names that were exceptions has also been changed: бравісимо, фортисимо, піанісимо (before 1993 it was бравіссімо, фортіссімо, піаніссімо).[3]


  1. ^ § 90 J // Український правопис. — К.: Наукова думка, 2015. — 288 pp.
  2. ^ Масенко Л. Т. Мова і політика. — К.: Соняшник, 1999. — 100 с. — Укр. мов. Додатковий тираж 2003 р.
  3. ^ "В. В. Бондаренко, В. В. Дубічинський, І. О. Оржицький, В. М. Кухаренко, В. В. Турчик. Ділова українська мова. Харків". Archived from the original on 16 September 2011. Retrieved 20 July 2011.
